Upcoming Meetings
Just like our plant friends, we too go into dormancy during the winter months! Member meetings will begin spring 2025.
Past Meetings
November Meeting – Wednesday, November 13th at 5:00pm
Our final meeting for the 2024 season! Join us for a social potluck, our annual seed swap, and officer elections for 2025.
Where: The Lincoln Center, 1519 Water Street, Stevens Point WI
October Meeting – Wednesday, October 2nd at 6pm Board meeting at 5pm (all are welcome to attend)
Seed harvesting workshop: how and when to harvest, store, and plant your native seeds and understanding germination codes for successful growing. Discussion on techniques to de-seed common native plants in our area. Feel free to bring your own seed heads from plants in your garden and any tools you use for de-seeding.
Where: The Lincoln Center, 1519 Water Street, Stevens Point WI
September Meeting – Wednesday, September 4th at 6pm
Learn to use technology such as iNaturalist, Seek app, EddMaps, and useful websites in plant identification and invasive species reporting. Feel free to download any of these apps ahead of time as we will practice using the apps after the presentation. Pizza will be provided. Board meeting will be happening at 5pm (all are welcome to join) followed by the member meeting at 6pm.
Where: The Lincoln Center, 1519 Water Street, Stevens Point WI

August Meeting – Wednesday, August 7th
Join us for August member meeting, where we’ll visit local native gardens. We will meet at Lincoln Center to coordinate carpooling at 5:00pm. We expect this event will last for two hours.
July Meeting – Wednesday, July 3rd
5pm Board Meeting (all are welcome to attend) with member meeting to follow at 6pm
Introduction to Generation Native Plant Nursery with Nichole Good, Owner of Generation Native Plant Nursery
Join us in welcoming Nichole to our meeting! She is the owner of Generation Native Plant Nursery in Amherst. She’ll be sharing her experiences opening a native plant nursery, including successes and challenges. To learn more about this amazing local resource, please visit: https://generationnativeplants.com/
June Meeting – Wednesday, June 5th at 6pm
Board Meeting at 5pm – All are welcome to attend, followed by the member meeting at 6pm
Where: The Lincoln Center – 1519 Water Street, Stevens Point WI
Bring all your questions to this educational short presentation and Q&A panel. This will also be an open discussion about Wild Ones, how to get started for beginners, and why we know you can do it too. Led by the Wild Ones Central Wisconsin Board of Directors, short educational presentation and Q&A panel.
May Meeting – Wednesday, May 1st at 6pm
Board Meeting at 5pm – All are welcome to attend
Where: Stevens Point Police Department – Community Room (933 Michigan Avenue, Stevens Point)
Did you know that the city of Stevens Point has a Lawns Gone Native Program that our chapter is involved in? This program coordinates support for residents who want to further transform their yards into landscapes planted with native species. Community Development Technician Maria Mohr will be speaking more on this program and its impacts. You can learn more by visiting the Lawns Gone Native webpage.
April Meeting – Wednesday, April 3rd, 6pm
Board Meeting at 5pm – All are welcome to attend
Boston School Forest – Noble Lodge (5084 Lincoln Ave, Plover, WI 54467)
Join us and our guest speaker, Tracy Arnold, as we discuss the Healthy Lakes and River program. Healthy Lakes & Rivers remains a collaborative team effort that depends on private and public shoreland property owners, businesses, and the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership to promote and install relatively simple and inexpensive best practices benefiting habitat and water quality.
March Meeting – Wednesday, March 6th
Welcome to the 2024 Season and Presentation by Jill Trochlell Ziehr
We will be meeting at Schmeekle in the conference room off the visitor’s center. Jill Trochlell Ziehr will lead a presentation on “A Season of Birds”: The beauty of birds is all around us. Learn how to transform your yard into a haven for birds. Learn what to plant, tips for creating a bird-friendly habitat and how to enjoy your backyard birds all year round.
Jill is a Master Naturalist, Master Gardener and member of Wild Ones. She, along with her husband Bill, have monitored approximately 30 bluebird boxes for the last 18 years. Jill combines her love of gardening with her joy of birdwatching and nature photography! In the past ten years, she has identified up to 72 different species of birds that have visited her backyard!
Thank you Jill for the wonderful presentation about native birds for March’s Member Meeting! Here is the Resources for a Season of Birds link to learn more about native birds and their habitats.
November Meeting, Thursday November 9th
Seed Swap and final meeting for 2023!
We will be having our annual seed swap and having our elections for 2024! If you are interested in possibly becoming an officer for next year, this is your chance! Meeting will be held at the Portage County Public Library, Pinery Room (1001 Main St, Stevens Point). Pizza from Bill’s Pizza and salad will be provided. Please bring your own beverage/water bottle. RSVP by email to [email protected] with dietary restrictions.
October Meeting, Thursday, October 5th
Member meeting, business meeting, and presentation
Presentation “Prescribed Burns: Tools for Habitat Management” from Sam De Roche, DNR Senior Educator. Meeting will be held at the Mead Wildlife Area Visitors Center (201517 County Rd S, Milladore, WI 54454). Includes a short hike and food catered by Lonely Oak Farm which will be salad, soup, and bread. RSVP by emailing [email protected] before Friday, September 29th.
September Meeting, September 18th-22nd – Volunteer Garden Work Week
Instead of doing our traditional style meeting for September, we are going to be doing “Volunteer Garden Work Week” which will be taking place the week of September 18th-22nd! This will include meeting at our chapter gardens to weed, plant natives, and do general maintenance to prepare them for fall and winter. Details are still in the works, but keep close tabs on our website and Facebook page so you know where and when we will be meeting throughout that week!
Monday, September 18th at 4pm – Veteran’s Memorial Park Installation and Garden Work Day (2340 Church Street, Stevens Point 54481)
Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm – Farmshed Greenhouse Garden Work Day (1220 Briggs Ct Stevens Point, WI 54481)
Friday, September 22nd at 5pm – Prairie Tour Plover River Farms (We will meet at 5:00 at the NW corner of Hwy J & 9th St – just west of Chet’s Blueberry Farm. From Stevens Point, head east on Hwy 10, then north on Hwy J to 9th St.)
August Meeting, Thursday, August 10th
Robert Freckman’s Garden Tour
Tour led by Dr. Robert Freckmann at his home, West Oak Ridge Ln, Stevens Point. It is the only house on this road. RSVP by emailing [email protected]
July Meeting, Thursday, July 6th
Carol’s Prairie Garden Tour
One of our chapter members, Carol, has graciously offered to give us a tour of her expansive prairie garden located just outside Stevens Point. Meet at her property at 5pm. Address is N 10211 State Hwy 49, Iola, WI. Otherwise, we have the option to carpool meeting in Dunham’s parking lot (5601 US-10, Stevens Point, WI 54482) at 4:15pm and leaving at 4:30pm.
June Meeting, Thursday, June 1st
Plover Library
We will be starting our officer meeting in the downstairs conference room at 4pm (members also welcomed to join the officer meeting if interested), followed by a tour of our chapter’s garden at 5pm. Pizza and salad will be provided around 6pm for our “meet and eat.”
May Meeting, Thursday, May 4th
Farmshed Greenhouse
Join us at the Farmshed Greenhouse to transplant the native plants from this year’s plant sale! Bring gloves if you’re worried about getting your hands dirty. Otherwise, all other tools will be provided for you. Also, we will be handing out the hazelnut shrubs provided from the DNR! One of our officers went above and beyond to make an educational guide about these American Hazelnuts! Click here to view this document.
April Meeting, Thursday, April 6th
Plover Library
Show and Tell Your Favorite Gardening Tool! Bring your favorite gardening tool or tools to show off to the rest of the group. This doesn’t need to be anything fancy – just something that in your experience has helped you with your gardening projects.
Pizza and salad will be provided. Feel free to bring any non-alcoholic beverages.
March Meeting, Thursday, March 2nd
5:00-6:30 pm
Schmeeckle Reserve Conference Room
Getting Started with Your Native Plants – Presentation by Paul with Discussion to Follow
A presentation on how to begin your journey growing native plants provided by one of our chapter members, Paul. If you are a seasoned gardener, you may discover some new ways to sow, care for, and create a thriving landscape that is beneficial for both you as well as the environment. We look forward to seeing you there!
Pizza and salad will be provided. Feel free to bring any non-alcoholic beverages.
November Meeting, Thursday, November 3
4:30-6:30 pm
Schmeeckle Reserve Pavilion
Seed swap and discussion about native seed germination requirements and methods.
October Meeting, Thursday, October 6
Prairie Tour and Seed Collection, followed by board meeting. Details provided to members via email.
September Meeting, Thursday, September 8
Prairie Tours, followed by board meeting. Details provided to members via email.
4:00 pm
August Meeting, Thursday, August 4
Prairie Tour. Details provided to members via email.
6:30 pm
July Meeting, Thursday, July 7
Board meeting, followed by garden tours. Option for ice cream social afterward. Details provided to members via email.
6:00 pm
Wild Ones Garden Volunteer Days
Monday, June 27th 10 am – 12 pm at the Patch Street Garden
Thursday, June 30th 10 am – 12 pm at the Schmeeckle Reserve Visitors Center
Thursday, July 7th 10 am – 12 pm at the Plover Library
Pollinator Week, June 20-26
Portage County Pollinator Scavenger Hunt
June Meeting, Thursday June 2
Schmeeckle Visitors Center garden workday 3 pm – 5 pm
Demo: make your own stepping stones 5 pm – 5:30 pm
Board Meeting 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Farmshed Plant Sale, May 22-28
Heirloom and organic varieties of vegetables, herbs, flowers and native plants
Members: May 22-23, 12 – 7 pm
Public: May 24-27, 12 – 7 pm; May 28, 10 – 5 pm
Farmshed Greenhouse, 1220 Briggs Court, Stevens Point
Bukolt Island Planting, May 19th – 21st
Wild Ones members helped the North Central Conservancy Trust to plant natives in the island across from Bukolt Park
Bukolt Pollinator Habitat Project
May Meeting, Friday May 6, 4:30-6:30 pm
Transplant native seedlings at Central Rivers Farmshed, Greenhouse, 1220 Briggs Ct. Stevens Point
Board meeting following transplanting
Brief History of Schmeeckle Reserve and Oak Savanna Restoration
Jim Buchholz
Thursday, April 7, 2022 6:00 pm
Zoom Meeting
Creating a Butterfly Garden and Safely Raising Butterflies Indoors
Paul Skawinski
Thursday, March 3, 2022 6:00 pm
Zoom Meeting
Seed Swap Event by Farmshed Growing Collective
February 20th, 2-3:30pm, Farmshed Greenhouse, 1220 Briggs St. Stevens Point
Insects and Native Plants Presentation
Jess Miller from Mosquito Hill Naturalist
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 5:30-7:00pm
Zoom Meeting
Technology and Plant ID Presentation
Tony Iwant with iNaturalist
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 5:30-7:00pm
Zoom Meeting
Prescribed Burning for Prairies Presentation
Scott Fulton, President of The Prairie Enthusiasts
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 5:30-7:00pm
Zoom Meeting
Soil Science Presentation
Meagan Hoffman from NRCS
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 5:30-7:00pm
Zoom Meeting
Gardening with Children
Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 5:30-7:00pm
Portage County Annex Building
1462 Strongs Avenue
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Conference room 5 (3rd floor)
Seedling Transplantation
Thursday, April 9, 2020, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Farmshed Greenhouse
1220 Briggs Court
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation & Raising Monarchs Indoors
Speaker: Chelsea Weinzinger & Paul Skawinski
Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 5:30-7:00pm
Meeting via Zoom
Backyard Bird ID
Speaker: Keri Otte
Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 5:30-7:00pm
Meeting via Zoom